I got through Wed!!! There were a few minutes yesterday when I was worried. Yesterday was my anniversary. 21 years! Who'da thunk it. I didn't get to see much of him, however, I did make his favorite supper and hold supper till 8:30 so we could all eat together. Unfortunately his favorite is home made alfredo sauce with pepperoni in it--totally fattning! I was a good girl and had about half of the serving that I normally would have had. I was full-not stuffed. And I did work out for an hour!
I have been incredibly discouraged lately. It has been a month, give or take, and I haven't lost a single pound. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost. I had a wise friend tell me that it really isn't about the outside. It is about the inside. And if I feel better when I exercise and have more stamina to do it, then progress is being made even though I can't see it. Thank you Barb, I needed that.
And Jen, your kind words made me keep going when I was ready to throw in the towel, curl up in a ball and cry for a week. I appreciate that more than I can say.
Then there are my sisters. I love them so much! Dianne added me to her weight loss groups (TOPS) newsletters and encouraging banter back and forth and Collene has started listing 3 things a day that she is grateful for on her facebook page. Between the two of them I have realized that 1) good things come to those who wait, 2) what goes around comes around and 3) I will never get if I am not giving. So, Collene, I am stealing your "3 things" idea and putting it here.
I have been trying to wrap my brain around food chemicals, hormones, metabolism and all that information. I have been researching different sites, stores, foods, etc looking for different things to eat that aen't a lot of work and don't cost a fortune. It's a lot of work. So I am going to lighten up.
Here goes:
3 things that I am grateful for today:
1) I am grateful that people love/like me just the way that I am and for who I am.
2) I am grateful for my mother. No matter how good I think I am doing she always reminds me that I haven't done near enough.
3) I am grateful for the ab muscles that are tight and sore. It means that they are still there and that I am healthy enough to use them.
Thank you to everyone who reads this. It keeps me honest.
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