
Friday, July 25, 2014

as promised!

Hey y'all!!  I'm back!  I know, shocked, right?  I am at home, waiting for Jim to let me know when he is done working so I can put supper in the oven.  So, lets fill you in on my week. 

I got miserably sick with an attack of diverticulitis and had a couple of real awful days.  I have discovered that if I go to all liquids I can push past it much faster.  So the past few days have been protein shakes made with either water or milk and a soluble fiber that is THE best!  If you have ANY digestive trouble try these products:  Search her site.  The peppermint capsules I cannot find anywhere else.   Moving on...

I went to my doctor on Thursday,  I weighed 181.5 lbs.  my BMI is a horrid 35.4.  At one time he had me down to 160 something.  I have to get back there!  He has me on Phentermine for an appetite suppressant (I don't think this works that well), Armour Thyroid to bump up my thyroid  and therefore boost my metabolism and my new one is Metformin which is usually used in diabetics but he thinks it will help me dissolve carbs better.  

Now, something new for me, I am going to actually post my measurements.  Which, for someone 5 foot tall (and a 1/4 inch) is a little depressing.  Here goes:
Chest:   43 3/4"
Waist:  49"
Hips:  50"
Neck:  14 1/2
Upper arm:  14"
Thigh:  26"
I'm sure you will notice, as I did, that my thighs are half the size of my hips and waist, my hips are almost as big around as I am tall and my lunch lady arms are the same damn size as my neck!! How the hell did I get here??!! 
On top of that I seem to have menopausal acne.  UGH!

When talking to my doctor, we decided that my trouble spots right now are:  Will power, Portion size, and Drinking.  I am working on getting rid of pop again.  It has become my mix so that's kind of hard.  I have successfully gotten rid of anything deep fried.  No fries, chicken, etc.  I need to increase my veggies, fruits and proteins.  And decrease my portion size.  It seems that if it is in front of me, I eat it.  Hence, the will power issue.  If there is a pile of pretzels in front of me, I will eat till they are gone.  I don't even notice they are gone and I am the only one eating them.  So I have some things to work on.

On the exercise front.  I am coming up with a strategy. I am having hip trouble again.  (My sisters and I call our issues FONS.  Freak Of Nature Syndrome. We have shit no one has even ever heard of!)  I have a fake right hip that, since I broke my pelvic bone, now squeaks and clicks.  My left hip is now incredibly painful.  I have avascular necrosis in this one too.  It needs to be replaced as well.  I am hoping that they will replace the one and fix the other at the same time.  So exercise is hard.  I am going to work on the muscles that I need to rehab from the hip surgery.  And of course, do some weight training on the arm issue.  I have started walking the dog and holy crap does he love it.  He is as fat as I am, so we don't go far before he is done,  But small steps to start with, right?

Tomorrow I will post a photo.  I think I still have the same shorts and tank that I was using before.  Also, I think I need motivation.  So, I will reward myself when I hit 170 lbs.  It's 11  lbs.  Shouldn't take me more than 6 weeks.  I am going for the LONG OVERDUE pedicure!!!!! Yes, that's right I am going to suffer the humiliation and let some poor fool handle my disgusting feet. 

And since we are talking.  I am a stress eater.  I am speaking with my youngest sister about the long term care of our mother.  She has been solely responsible for quite a while now, but mom is getting to be too much for anyone person to handle.  We are going to try to talk a stubborn old coot into letting us either bring in help or move her.  Oh, and while I will have to make weekday trips to WI, don't forget that I have a co-worker absent and am juggling my job and portions of hers with one other person.  If I am gone, that leaves the one other person trying to figure out everything.  I am just not that kind of person.  I don't like to leave my responsibilities behind.  But at the same time, mom is my responsibility too.  This part of life sucks.

On that note, I will leave you with a Happy Friday All!!  Stay safe, be happy and live and love every minute of life.

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