
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Keep Going!

This is my fresh start.  I started this as a weight loss blog and never really got into it.  That's gonna change.  If I write (and I would love to think I am a successful writer) and get my thoughts and feelings out there, than maybe I can motivate someone else to be healthy too. 
I will officailly weigh in at my Dr's office in 2 days but I think I am about 184-186 ish.  I started this blog along time ago and was over 200 lbs.  I dropped down to the 160's and felt good.  I felt sexy!  I liked the way I felt.  It's gone.  I've fallen back into the same ruts; the same bad behaviors. I keep telling myself to exercise, to eat smaller portions, to drink more water but I don't.  I realized today that I haven't kept a journal, I drink soda (I had previously given it up), I don't eat breakfast, I don't weigh myself and I haven't measuresd myself in ages. 
I need a fresh start.  I need to keep track of my protiens and fats and fruits and veggies again.  And I do not need to finish everything near me.  Starts today!
I'm trying to figure out how to get reading time in.  I hate, yes it is a strong word, I hate exercise.  I love books though.  So tonight I am going to get out that stupid Gazelle thing I bought a decade ago and make a rule.  The rule is that if I want to read, I have to be moving.
Also, I will, by the end of this week, give my measurements, weight, and a current photo.  I do have to re-learn how to manipulate my way around this blog again, so be patient. 

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