
Sunday, November 13, 2011

I have figured something out!

I weighed in last week and even though I have been REALLY good, I hadn't lost my normal 2lbs a week.  A little discouraged?  You bet.  I have lost a total of 20 lbs now.  But I wanted 22 or more.  I am never happy, you know. 

So I did some reflecting and studied my scale stats.  My lean muscle mass is back up, thanks to tips from Lindsey and my water is doing good.  It's just my actual weight.  Why didn't I lose my average?  I examined my weight lose and discovered that I have lost a total of 16 lbs of FAT!!   Just fat!  Icky, gross fat!  That's like dragging around 2 babaies all day!!!!  16 lbs of butter!  2 bowling balls!  I could barf thinking about it and there is so much more!  But still where did my average go?

So I went over my week and found my downfall.  The bachelor/bachelorette party.  Alcohol is my enemy.  Yes, I believe my dietician, Lindsey, tried to hint at this but at the time I wasn't hearing her.  I haven't had a drink in over a month and then I had a few in one night.  My weight loss was going great and then hit a wall.  Hmmm, doesn't take a rocket sceintist for this one, does it? 

Two nights ago we had the wedding.  I was nervous going in.  Lots of friends, lots of fun, lots of social...  you know the drill.  Everybody buys a round and pretty soon you are 4 in.  We were there for 7 hours and I had 2 glasses of wine!   I had a few glasses of water.  I had a great time!  Last night Jim and I took the girls to the hockey game.  They took off  and we headed for the bar.  I had one.  He wanted to go out after, I said no thanks and we headed for home.  Today I may have one more, but that is all.  I have this figured out!  When I got on the scale this morning, I was back to my average!!!! 


  1. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you are building up muscle your average may be down. But muscle burns fat so if you keep going it will go the other weigh and your will continue to lose.

  2. Although, you are correct and alcohol is an enemy. Your brother is doing well but when he cheats and drinks he doesn't lose.
