
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back at it.

     It has been a long time since I was on here.  I have had so much happen in the past year or so.  So I will do my best to fill you in. 
     17 months ago I broke my pelvic bone after having lost around 40 lbs.  Since then I have rehabbed, gained some of the weight back, had both girls get diagnosed with knee problems and have to quit dancing and had one graduate from high school. 
     It is now time for school to start. My oldest  is going to take a year off.  Hopefully she will get a job soon to keep her busy.  My youngest will register for high school next week and is going to take her permit test this week.  My pelvic bone has fully healed.  However, I had a hip replacement 6 years ago and during the rehab the replacement shifted a bit.  It now pops and squeaks.  Which is horribly gross, but not painful.  Now my pain is centered around my other hip which is starting to have trouble and will eventually need to be replaced. 
     On that note, I have made some decisions. What decisions?  Well, for starters, I need to go back to the eating habits that I had 17 months ago.  I am deathly afraid that because of the pain and the fact that I have a sedentary job, I will start to lose mobility in my hips, so I want to start a work out program as well.  I had a gym membership for a while, but I found that all I used were the treadmills and that wasn't worth the monthly fee. 
     Since I am not very good at carrying them out, I am back to blogging and making myself accountable for my actions. Maybe I will post photos again, like my friend Jen does. 
     My biggest problem is finding a workout that isn't too much, scares me away and does what I want it to do.  I want to tone up, firm up, and keep mobility.  The hard part is how careful I have to be.   I thought about Tai Chi, but couldn't find any classes and couldn't find a dvd that looked like it would work for me.  So I started searching.  I ended up finding "Keeping Fit with Andrea Metcalf".   I decided on the 3 dvd set put out by Acacia.  Strength, Cardio, and Pilates.  The dvd's work in 5 minute segments that flow seamlessly together or can be executed one at a time.  I worried that they would be like the Wii, where everything is chopped up and you stand there with a remote almost as long as it takes to complete the exercise.   I started tonight with the Pilates one.  OK, I am completely out of shape!  That being said, these rock!!!  It was hard!  So hard that I couldn't do everything, had to modify and lost steam less than 30 minutes into it.  BUT I wasn't scared off by it!  And seriously, she kicked my butt!   I am looking forward to doing it again.  Her voice is pleasant, directions are good, the music is in the background and doesn't drown her out and I didn't find it annoying.  I can't wait to dive into the rest of them.
     On to food.  Today my eating habits sucked. I had a large pasta dish for lunch and had leftover pasta salad for supper. Chips and dip for a snack.  Not my best day, that's for sure.  I will own it and move forward.  My biggest challenge is going to be serving sizes.  I have somehow gone back up in the amount of food I eat.  That was the hardest part last time and it will be again.  I also have to drink more water.  It took me all day today to finish a large coffee.  I never even drank any water until I got home and 5 hours later I have all of 5 oz. gone.  For the mathematically challenged, that's a little more than a half cup.  Most yogurt containers are 6 or 8 oz. 
     Tomorrow I have somewhere to be after work and won't have a chance to work out but I will make a huge effort to eat and drink properly and to check back in with this blog halfway through the day.  I have to start somewhere, right? 

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